629715 E-Z-GO TXT & RXV Universal 48V Passkey

629715 E-Z-GO TXT & RXV Universal 48V Passkey
Shipping Group: PartsN
SKU: 629715

This easy to use OEM E-Z-GO 48V Passkey allows you to increase the speed of up to twenty 48V vehicles. The Passkey will increase vehicle top speed to 18.5 mph. Installation/reprogramming can be done in seconds! Great for updating fleets of vehicles


  • Fits Electric 48v TXT 2010-Up & RXV 2012-Up
  • Quick and easy installation (plugs directly into existing data port)
  • Device can be used 20 times and on different vehicles
  • Increases speed of vehicle to 18.5 mph in "freedom mode"
  • Additional speed, features, and settings can be accessed with handheld programmer after use
  • Universal fit for multiple models
  • Reprograms controller in seconds
  • Please Note: Only works with factory Curtis controller
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